“We cannot allow Russian aggression to destabilize any EU country”

The Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jose Manuel Albareshas been immersed for months in the preparations for the Presidency of the Council of the European Union that will correspond to Spain during the second half of 2023. A task that has multiplied his trips to Brussels. The last one, this Thursday, to meet with the President of the European Parliament, Roberta Metzolaand the commissioners Maros Sefkovic Y Thierry Breton. “A presidency is always something very lively. The importance of the Spanish presidency is that it will be the last complete presidency before the elections to the European Parliament,” he explains during an interview with a group of journalists from various countries. Eight months ahead, she recognizes that “success is facing the unexpected” although she is clear that they will inevitably inherit two issues: war in ukraine and the socioeconomic consequences. “I hope I’m wrong, but I think the war will be there. And the social and economic consequences of the war,” she says.

What will be the priorities of the Spanish presidency?

We have to see how the Czech and Swedish presidencies will end, but there are things that are beginning to be clear: peace in Ukraine and in Europe, economic recovery, a complete resolution of the Covid crisis, the economic and social consequences of the war, complete the reform of the European energy market and promote social policies. We will also do our best on immigration and asylum. We are not fools and we know that the difficulties will be there. We know how things are in the Mediterranean but we will try to do everything possible. I cannot say if we will succeed but we have a good understanding of this issue and we will try to reach a balanced agreement between solidarity and real responsibility. Responsibility and solidarity à la carte do not work.

Italian Minister Antonio Tajani has said that immigration is a European problem. He wants relocations and a new solidarity mechanism.

It is a European problem. There is no way to deal with irregular migration if it is not at a European level and if we do not cooperate with the countries of transit and origin. We see an increase in the number of people trying to reach Europe except through one route: that of Spain. Why? Because we have a long and solid cooperation with the countries of origin and transit, with Morocco, with the countries of sub-Saharan Africa. We have never said no to any agreement to help others but we cannot do it alone. Everyone needs to be involved, not just the States of first arrival. The second thing is that temporary phenomena have a solution. Structural phenomena need to be managed and will not have a solution as long as the differences between Africa and Europe -in income, birth rate, illiteracy…- are what they are. People are desperate and willing to risk their lives. Political will is needed.

When should European solidarity take place?

The situation has been blocked because the responsibility of the first entry countries is defined very precisely but solidarity is more frugal. It’s a menu and it doesn’t work. We need an agreement where everyone knows exactly what they have to do.

The Danish government is working on a solution that will allow it to process asylum applications in third countries. Could it be promoted at European level?

It’s not something we have in mind. I don’t think it’s the European way (of doing things). It’s not something I think about for a second.

And that it be the flag country of the ship that rescues immigrants, as Italy asks, who welcomes them?

The tradition is that the ships take the migrants to the nearest safe ports, disembark them and relocate them from there. It is something that has worked very well. What I hope is that the Twenty-seven participate in the scheme. The most normal, the easiest way, according to the law of the sea, is to go to the nearest safe port, disembark and quickly transfer and relocate those people to different countries.

What are your foreign policy priorities?

There is a region in the world that we think is the most Euro-compatible, which is Latin America. We want to hold a great summit of EU-Celac leaders (the last one was in 2015), a political and symbolic milestone from which a work program emerges. We want the trade agreements with Mexico and Chile to come into effect. Nobody understands why they are not yet in force. And also with Mercosur. For Latin American countries, trade agreements are not just trade. They are also a sign of political commitment. Another point is the Euro-Mediterranean agenda. Most of Europe’s success in the coming years will not be achieved without the cooperation of the countries of the South. We have to talk to them, understand what they need and move forward.

How should the relationship with China be, European or bilateral?

The best way to relate to China is at a European level as well as with the United States. This does not mean that there is no need to have a bilateral relationship, but on big issues it is a matter of scale. The second thing we have to decide is when China is a rival and when it can be a partner. The more consensus there is at European level, the better. Third, there are many areas where we need China. If we want to make a difference, we need China on climate change. But it is very clear that China is a permanent member of the Security Council, whose role is to ensure peace and stability in the world. Due to its military and economic strength, due to the specific relationship with Russia and, very specifically with Vladimir Putin, it can play a moderating role in its dialogue with Putin.

Will the accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO change the focus towards the north or the Spanish participation?

I don’t think it’s going to dramatically change NATO or the way we see NATO. Finland and Sweden have already been participating in the exercises and their forces have been compatible for many years. It is natural that any European country that wants to join NATO should do so. Spain has been present in the Baltic countries for many years – in Latvia and Estonia – and we will continue to be. It is clear that by far the main threat to Euro-Atlantic security at the moment is from the East, but we must not forget that we have threats from the South. Threats from the south are increasingly Russian threats. Wagner’s troops are in many countries of the Sahel. Second, gas or irregular immigration have been used as weapons. This may happen tomorrow in the south.

What do you think of Turkey’s attitude hijacking the accession process?

We are still in the ratification process. It is not the only country (that has not ratified). In Madrid there was an agreement and we hope that Sweden and Finland join as soon as possible.

Would Spain block the accession to the European Union of an independent Scotland?

I don’t like doing political fiction. Foreign affairs and international relations are about concrete things and at the moment Scotland is part of the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom has made a Brexit.

Since Spain is one of the countries that still do not recognize the independence of Kosovo. If Pristina and Belgrade reach some kind of agreement, will we see the recognition of Spain?

We have a consistent policy. We are not the only country. There are five countries that do not either but I can guarantee one thing, Spain will not be an obstacle or a problem for the dialogue between Pristina and Belgrade. On the contrary, we will do everything we can to make this dialogue a success.

Hungary has launched a campaign against European sanctions against Russia. Are you afraid that they will move further and further away from the European consensus?

I am convinced that unity is the best tool we have to achieve peace in Ukraine and in Europe as soon as possible. I understand that not all countries are equally exposed to Russia or have the same dependency. We cannot allow Russian aggression to destabilize any EU country but at the same time we have proven that united we can face any challenge better than isolated. We did it with covid and we are doing it with Ukraine.

Do you see the possibility of approving new sanctions against Russia?

Since the first package the sanctions have been gradual and the only reason we have imposed them is to bring peace to Ukraine. There is no other goal. We want the Russian soldiers to leave. Since they are gradual, if we find that there are more ways to make war harder for Putin it is only fair that we explore it and, if it works, adopt it.

The Republican Party has stated its intention to cut aid to Ukraine. What impact can it have on the EU?

The American elections have shown that President Biden has been supported in his politics. He has garnered the lowest level of rejection of a US president in midterm elections. He will have more difficulties but the obstacle will not be final. Do not forget that the latest US package for Ukraine was approved by an overwhelming majority. This means that many Republicans voted for it. So don’t assume Republicans will vote against it. In addition, the president continues to have many powers. I have heard that he was asked what he was going to change because of the results and he has answered with one word: nothing.

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How are the negotiations on Gibraltar with the UK going?

The negotiations are going well. I think there is a genuine desire on the British side to reach an agreement. In Spain it has always been there (the will). We have made a proposal that includes the airport and we hope to be able to move forward. We hope they say yes but it takes two for a tango.
