We can create detachment from Putin’s energy

Energy dependence on Russia must end. And on a small scale, Berlin companies have already succeeded. A comment from BZ editor-in-chief Miriam Krekel.

War in Ukraine, droughts on the African continent, an impending famine due to the suspension of important wheat production in Ukraine.

Everyone wants an energy embargo on Russia. But the German government is taking its time, wanting to proceed step by step for fear of an economic crisis that has not existed for decades. While civilians are dying every day in Ukraine while children are being hunted down there like animals are on safari, our country does not see itself in a position to bring about the end quickly. That’s how dependent we are (made) on Russia’s energy.

What if more companies had acted like these Berlin entrepreneurs who report where they get their energy from. In Berlin and Brandenburg, more and more companies are showing how one can say goodbye to Putin’s coal, oil and gas and at the same time make a contribution to achieving the climate goals. The keyword is energy self-sufficiency.

While politics has forced us into an ominous dependency, small and medium-sized businesses have rolled up their sleeves, looked to the future and shown that innovations pay off. Even far more than we could have imagined.
