We are not so bad, by Albert Sáez

Since the pandemic, Europe is the solution and not the problem. With the UK out and the Visegraders scared of Russia, the Brussels machine tackles issues with determination. Bravo. Although the results are difficult to see in the short term. Winter is going to be hard. Germany is doing with gas what Draghi did with the euro, “whatever it takes”. And in its efforts it drags the entire European Union. That is why, in this case, it is hunger for today and bread for tomorrow. Putin is having a worse time. Sometimes we forget. Its GDP is only 25% more than that of Spain. All its gas transportation infrastructures are oriented towards Europe. Shifting that offer to the East takes years. The same ones that it will cost Germany to free itself from the Russian yoke. Make no mistake, winter will be hard. As in 1973, we will see cities in twilight at midnight. And to the Germans, with a fleece at home so as not to close down their industry. And we will have to do something on our part. Let us hope that the populist competition between Sánchez and Feijóo, today in the Senate, does not lead us in our case to close the industry due to lack of gas – Castelló ceramics is beginning to do so – while we go home in a T-shirt with the heating at 28 degrees.

We are not so bad because Europe deals with our problems. Joan Tapia said it in his article on Sunday. And local politicians are more or less successful in following the guidelines from Brussels. Sánchez erred forcing the Iberian exception. You have to save the winter without destroying the planet. The EU is not going to allow the price of electricity to be capped by condemning renewables. Feijóo erred because he did not support restrictions on commercial lights and temperature limits. They have ‘spin doctors’ who don’t think in a European key. Finally, the two are right with the VAT reduction. No generosity. Just a covert deflation. We are bad in internal leadership. But we’ll get out of this. The pandemic brought us the joint purchase of vaccines and the mutualization of debt to finance the recovery. Ukraine, a foreign and defense policy comparable to a single market. Putin will go. From a part of Ukraine and from power in Moscow. The EU takes very slow steps, always without return. Sánchez and Feijóo… we’ll see.
