“We are not prepared for climate change”

  • In a letter sent to international leaders on the occasion of COP27, they stress that food production is at risk

More of 350 million small farmers from around the world have come together to demand support for climate adaptation. In a letter international leaders, who these days will meet in the Egyptian town of Sharm el Seij to celebrate the Climate Summit (COP27), the signatories, which also include fishermen, shepherds and forest producers, warn that food security global take a risk unless individual governments provide funding for producers to adapt.

The food system is responsible for 34% of gas emissions greenhouse. According to the letter, this should change to agriculture “more diverse and with low demand for resources”.

Small producers are essentials to achieve global food security: 80% of the food consumed in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, for example, comes from this sector. However, they only accounted for 1.7% of the flow of climate finance in 2018.

Last year’s climate summit, COP26, held in Glasgow (Scotland), served for developed countries to agree to double funding to adapt to the global warming, which must reach 40,000 million euros per year until 2025. The signatories of the letter, who represent more than 70 networks and organisations, however, calculate that the amount should rise to 240,000 million a year.

The rise of hunger

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“The rise in hunger over the past year has exposed the fragility of the global food system. It is highly vulnerable to impacts, whether caused by COVID, conflict or climate change, and not ready for a world where extreme heat, drought and floods are the new normal, even if we limit global warming to 1.5°C. Developing a food system that can feed everyone on an increasingly hot planet must be a priority for COP27 & rdquor ;, the letter states.

The Climate Summit, the document concludes, “must also support a shift towards more sustainable food production, that includes agroecological practices & rdquor ;.
