“We are not an army of zombies”

06/10/2022 at 23:44


The Aragonese president replies to García Page, who pointed out that Sánchez rules the party and the others “are altar boys”

The president of Aragon, Javier Lambán, has assured this Friday that the PSOE is not “an army of zombies” and each regional leader “has his personality” after his counterpart in Castilla-La Mancha, Emiliano García-Page, pointed out that Pedro Sánchez and the others “are altar boys” in charge of the party.

“Page expresses himself in a certain way. He is a general secretary of Castilla-La Mancha who has the support of his colleagues, the citizen and much of the Federal Executive. In the PSOE We are not an army of zombies. We have our personality,” he said in an interview on Cadena Ser, collected by Europa Press.

In this context, Lambán has pointed out that “from time to time” the regional leaders of the PSOE say “things that do not have to be aligned with the politically correct“That, far from impoverishing the party, enriches it,” he acclaimed.

Page, after acknowledging “frankly” that he has not yet decided whether he will stand for revalidation of the regional Presidency, suggested this past Wednesday that Pedro Sánchez is in charge of the PSOE. “The rest of us are altar boys,” indicated in an informative breakfast of Encastillalamancha.es.

For his part, Extremaduran President Guillermo Fernández Vara replied that he does not consider himself “an altar boy for anything or anyone.” “I don’t share them (Garcia-Page’s statements). I don’t consider myself an altar boy for anyone or anything, because I represent a land that has greatness Y dignity and therefore I am not an altar boy for anything or anyone,” he said.
