We are legends on Rai 2: previews of the 7th December episode

Sthe finale of last night’s episode of We are legend (up tonight Rai 2 at 9.20pm and Rai Play) the mysterious character played by appeared Linen Pillow. An elegant man who lives in Venice and who has to do with superpowers of the five protagonists.

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Man must return to the place where it all began: Rome. We will discover the nature of these powers and why they have taken root Andrea, Massimo, Jean, Lin and Greta? Viola’s mother is getting closer and closer to being framed the robber who melts metalswhile irSuper-gifted kids discover that they’re not the only ones with powerthe. Will they unite to fight evil?

We are legend: the plot of the fourth episode

Inspector Beatrice Nenchi (Pia Lanciotti), mother of Viola (Margherita Aresti) and Marco (Giulio Pranno)is ever closer to solving the case of the “law enforcement officer” who robbed two Gold Buyers and framed a slot machine scammer. Massimo (Emanuele Di Stefano) he reveals to his friend Marco: «Your mother suspects me».

Meanwhile, the super-gifted kids begin to discover that they aren’t the only ones with superpowers. Andrea (Milo Raussel) and Massimo they discover the capabilities of Greta (Sofya Gersevich) and by Lin (Goilia Lin). The only one who doesn’t know he’s in company is Jean (Nicolas Maupas), furious at the increasingly close relationship between Andrea and her best friend.

Meanwhile Lara (Valentina Romani), continues to search for the truth about the causes of her mother’s illness, caused by asbestos in Liberati’s (Jean’s father) company. Even the mysterious man from Venice (Linen Pillow) seems to be getting closer to his truth and moves to Rome, where it all began.

Are Greta and Andrea in love?

In We are legend a new couple emerges. Massimo declared his love for Viola in the splendid hydromassage tub of the suite at the Excelsior hotel. The rebel, on the other hand, doesn’t seem taken by her feelings for the boy younger than herthat if he didn’t have the power he has, would have relegated him to the “losers” categorylike his brother Marco.

Viola’s is not a genuine feeling, which comes from the heart, but from the desire for wealth. The girl has blinded Massimo, but perhaps only temporarily.

Lino Guanciale (Rai press office)

The one between Greta and Andrea seems to be born as a pure feeling. It all started with a furtive glance, then came the frequenting of Jean’s house for a common passion, music, and finally came that kiss, which Greta regretted.

In this new episode of We are legend their relationship grows. The two go out together and spend an evening at the amusement park. Jean discovers them, he is furious and hits Andrea. Greta uses her power to throw her jealous friend off track.

The origin of the fantastic 5’s powers We are legend

The mysterious character of Lino Guanciale moves to Rome, where everything started. Two episodes from the series finale, perhaps we are starting to understand where those powers came from which suddenly overwhelmed the lives of the five protagonists and above all because it happened to them.

Now that each knows the power of the other, i young “superheroes” will have to find out why this happened to them. What if they were destined for a much greater destiny than they thought (to Avengers?) That’s what the audience at home also wants to discover. The key lies in the character of Lino Guanciale, ready to reveal his secret.

