“We are going to Poland with great enthusiasm to bring people and be able to give them love”


Act at 15:52


The Osasuna player Rubén García claims to be “very excited & rdquor; of being able to bring thirty Ukrainian refugees who will receive a large dose of “affection & rdquor; after an experience that the Valencian will remember “forever”. This Friday will be a tough day for the convoy led by Rubén García. Eight hours of travel to Warsaw with arrival around 5:00 p.m. Afterwards, they will return to spend the night in Germany with the 30 refugees.

The footballer makes a journey full of hope that they will return with about 12 children, mothers and a seven-month pregnant womanpeople who will have the invaluable help of the nurse and the translator who travel in the caravan. The column is made up of five vehicles loaded with food, medicine or clothing. Two drivers for each car. The soccer player travels with his girlfriend and his cousin: “The first section I drove about 1,000 kilometers and then we changed. I like to drive and I’m doing quite well.”

“We are encountering many works that make the speed look very slow. In the section of France, which we went through the interior area instead of going through Paris, we found a lot of traffic and it was a little longer than we expected, so we will make the return to the north with the intention of moving forward.” ;, explains the native of Xátiva. Emphasizes the importance of making stops every so often to have a coffee or clear your mindaccepting the first misfortune that occurred this Thursday: “We had a little problem with the calipers of a car that seemed to smoke, but the Ukrainian driver helped us a lot, he got under the car to fix it and we continued.”

The plan is to unload all the material collected during these days in the Polish capital and have a first contact with the Ukrainians to leave two hours later: “We will seek to break the ice quickly because it is the most uncomfortable thing for them as well as for us. We want to reassure them and make them feel safer & rdquor;.


The idea for this action arose after the footballer was inspired by a visit from one of his neighbors, who had made the same trip days before: “He told me what he had done, I saw his feeling of gratitude and I felt the need to help these people in some way. I thought about doing something at a private level and managing it from Pamplona, ​​but I discussed it with my surroundings and we launched the initiative”.

“It carries a responsibility. It’s not about taking a trip to Poland with four friends, bringing people and that’s it. You have to know how to manage well which people come to Pamplona, ​​with which families they are going to be and if they are going to have a home & rdquor ;, says the player a few kilometers from the Polish border after resuming the trip at six in the morning this Friday. He appreciates the management that different NGOs have carried out to coordinate everything and the support of host families: “These are initiatives that are to be praised & rdquor ;.

“At first I told the club’s Communications Department so they could talk to the board. Osasuna is a very large entity in Navarra and the idea was that these people would find an alternative in the club: to be able to train in the afternoons or find them other types of sports such as dance, basketball or Spanish classes”has noted on the relevance of his team in this type of matter.

The red ’14’ remembers how the simple negotiations with the club went to receive permission to travel: “They made things easy for me at all times. At first they had their doubts because I came with some physical discomfort and they had doubts about the physical demands of so many hours of driving, but I spoke with Jagoba Arrasate to adjust the training sessions and he didn’t give me any kind of problem”. “He prioritizes the emotional part much more and he understood that he was going to return with much more charged batteries”he adds about the meeting he had with the Berriatua coach.

“You have to be aware that there are many innocent people who are suffering and who must be helped & rdquor ;, he reflects on an action that will serve “from now on to help in other types of causes & rdquor;. García thinks that “unfortunately” world history is in a century in which “many injustices of all kinds continue to happen, not only at the level of wars, but in general & rdquor ;.

“At a societal level, this war is becoming more media coverage and it has reached us a little more because of all the images and videos that reach us much more easily and quickly”, says the footballer. “We notice those feelings on the surface. It is important to let ourselves be carried away by the feelings we have, but we will have to maintain that coldness so as not to show that weakness that they do not need right now. They require strength, smiles and to transmit tranquility to them when they return & rdquor;indicates the athlete on how they should receive the lucky ones.
