We are giving away three CD media books from Long Distance Calling: “Eraser”

The German rock band from Münster Long Distance Calling released their new album “Eraser” on August 26th. Unlike the previously released works, this one is characterized more by instrumentals and less by electronic elements.

Songwriter Janosch says of the concept for the record: “Songwriting for this album started almost at the same time I saw a documentary on TV about this giant Greenland shark. It is possible that this animal is up to 500 years old and there are only a few specimens left, maybe a few hundred in the world. So we came up with the idea that we would choose an endangered animal for each song. We had a list and then we wrote a separate song for each animal because of course a bee is something completely different than a shark or a rhino or something!”

Eraser box set cover

See a Q&A on Long Distance Calling’s new album here:

Raffle: Three “Eraser” media books

ROLLING STONE is giving away three “Erasers” by Long Distance Calling.

If you want to win, all you have to do is fill out the form and enter “Eraser” as the solution. The closing date for entries is September 16th. I wish you success!




