‘We already have plans for it’

Quite a bit still had to be done in Kees and Brigitte’s home when they first moved in. Last month they told indebuurt how they turned their ‘haunted house’ into a dream house. Now they are the lucky winners of a Praxis gift voucher worth 500 euros and they will make their dream home even more sustainable!

Kees and Brigitte fell in love with their house when acquaintances of theirs still lived there. When they got the chance to buy it, the choice was easy. It was a bit of a DIY house. They have tackled it from top to bottom and made it considerably more sustainable. There were still some smaller jobs that needed to be done. “The gift voucher is very convenient,” says Brigitte.

Photo: Vincent Croce

A green roof

The couple is now working on making a shed in the garden. “That will soon be a place where Kees can do odd jobs,” says Brigitte. “There is also a roof so we can sit outside. The shed and the roof will have a green roof. That insulates better and it is a nicer view for the neighbors. In addition, it is good for water drainage. A green roof full of plants retains moisture. During heavy rain, the water does not all flow directly into the sewer.” At Praxis you can buy handy ready-made sedum roofing to create a green roof yourself. Kees and Brigitte have that in mind.

Well-known Zoetermeer residents

Kees and Brigitte hear nice reactions especially from colleagues. “Many people at work have read it,” Brigitte laughs. “Many already knew that we were working on such a large DIY project. But I don’t think people knew what and how much we actually do ourselves. We are now even sometimes asked for advice. That’s quite nice to hear!”

Also more sustainable?

Kees and Brigitte have already done a lot to become more sustainable and are now going to install a green roof on their shed. Would you also like to get started with sustainability? Go to praxis.nl and see what you can do yourself.
