‘We accept that nuclear pannes mee aan de Basis Liggen van high energieprijzen’

Why should the debate be over de kernuitstap weer op?

“The works organizations raise this week that vuur aan de lont gestoken met an open letter in De Tijd waarin ze bankrupt om de twee jongste centrales long open te houden en de kernuitstap dus uit te places. Want het zou de some manner zijn om de energievoorraad en prijzen onder controle te houden.

“As a reaction to this, we now open Vld, and in smaller mate CD&V, begin te twijfelen. Want the higher energy price increases for a long time to come and the core elements have become public for the political parties. Ze vrezen namelijk that de oppositie nog jarenlang de high prices met de kernuitstap zal couple. That’s not the case, but that’s not the case, the perception is that it’s going to be wary, and that the people there are going to be there in Verkiezingen in 2024.”

You don’t knock that the kernuitstap has a big impact so you raise it on our energy prices?

“There is little to be said for that moment. Disappearing future studies have been carried out in advance and in years that have been carried out that the basic requirements have not been met and that have been included in the energy prices in onsland, which are consumed by consumers.

“Want to think about it: over vijf van de zeven kerncentrales is geen discussie meer. the sluts. De huidige discussie gaat puur over de twee jongste kerncentrales. Of course, that means that there are two large gas centrals bijbouwen om de bevoorrading te Verzekeren, therefore network managers Elia. If there is a nuclear extension from the two central cores, that means that there is no longer a gas central building in the Zekerheid area. Het verschlissen de twee is voor Europe, since the energieprijzen were paid, peanuts.

“Op dit moment draaien alle zeven kerncentrales in ons land and toch zijn our prices historically hoog. Nuclear energy is the way it should be with high prices.”

Why are the prizes vandaag dan zo hoog? Is Russia to blame?

“Het erop dat de toestand in Oekraïne en de Russie wispelturigheid in het gasbeleid een rol speelt, Maar Russia delivered as long as not more de hoeveelheden gas die het ervoor leverde. Hets is only én van de Verklaringen waarom high Europe now campaigned with historically high energieprijzen.

“The corona pandemic is another factor, but also nuclear pannes in Frankrijk liggen aan de Basis van de prijsstijgingen. There are now 58 nuclear reactors, and there are now 10 remaining. It remains to be completed with the request that a nuclear extension of the request and the control of the price is guaranteed.

“It was not so long ago that we had troubles in our own country with enormous nuclear pannes. Toenmal Minister of Energy Marie-Christine Marghem (MR) takes action at a given moment to promotie voor één-pansjusten zodat gezinnen energie zouden save, om het licht aan te houden.”

What did he say he was watching when he was told before a nuclear war went on?

“Sent dat er op 18 maart, wanneer de beslissing valt over de herverdeling van subsidies voor gas centrales, toch tegen de kernuitstap wordt beslist. Then he would like energy to be delivered to the central areas. In other ways, it should have been dealt with separately from the Engie Electrabel over de uitbating van de kerncentrales, waar het bedrijf eigenlijk not more in interest is.”

You should have a large amount of money to pay for Parijs dragen om de centrales toch not open te house. Of we would like to nationalize it, but then we will also nationalize it. And think about that it depends on the core centrales nog een prijskaartje van ettelijke miljarden voor de afbraakkosten van nucleair afval.

Ten slots we would like to also opnieuw onderhandeln with Europa over de subsidies voor de gas centrales. Want the building needed for one gas central that we then want bijbouwen. Then there was a process in another half of the year, and there was also a dispute in Europe on that one. All nuclear extensions are kept without a clear statement.

Is it true that the policy has been followed in our country?

He was an agreement over the core stage in December, when Premier Alexander De Croo was to be heard in the eighth group. Minister of Energy Tinne Van der Straeten (Groen) has always indicated that it is the best way to distribute energy. Het is a policy in Zelfmoord om daar nu op terug te komen. Bovendien is het moeilijk om voor te put dat a big minister moet terugkeren to Engie Electrabel met de vraag om de kerncentrales open te houden.

Heel belangrijk in deze discussie wordt de housing van de premier. In the regering, the liberals and the great altijd goede banden onderhouden. De vraag is now of De Croo voor zijn partijlijn of zijn regering zal kiezen. For the sake of the big one, he absolutely never wants to go even. So krijg je een situation op 18 maart, waarbij when he nicks changed, the regering really in acuut gevaar komt and that he not veel moet misgaan om Vivaldi het finale duwtje te geven.
