WDH/Siemens Energy: Transport of the turbine could start immediately

(Corrected a typo in the first sentence: Turbine)

MUNICH (dpa-AFX) – According to the manufacturer Siemens Energy, the transport of a turbine for the Baltic Sea pipeline Nord Stream 1 has been prepared and could start immediately. The company announced this on Monday evening. “Siemens Energy already had all the necessary documents for the export from Germany to Russia at the beginning of last week and also informed GAZPROM about it,” it said in a statement. “What is missing, however, are the necessary customs documents for imports to Russia.” This information could only be provided by the customer.

The maintenance of the turbines is routine, stressed Siemens Energy. There have been “no significant complications” in the past ten years. The Canadian government’s current approval also stipulates that further Siemens Energy turbines can be serviced in Montreal and then exported. “We therefore see no connection between the turbine and the implemented or announced gas throttling at this point in time.”

With regard to Nord Stream 1, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov only assured on Monday that a turbine would be installed as soon as Siemens Energy handed over the associated documents. “Of course, after completing all the formalities and the technological process, the turbine will be installed, and then pumping will begin to the extent that is technically possible,” he said. Just six days after the gas supply from Russia was resumed by Nord Stream 1, the Russian company Gazprom wants to reduce the gas volume from 40 percent to 20 percent of maximum capacity this Wednesday./als/DP/he

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