Wayne Carpendale needed a break from his wife and kids

Annemarie and Wayne Carpendale's first child is here

Annemarie and Wayne Carpendale Photo: picture alliance / Petra Schönberger/Geisler-Fotop

From BZ editors

TV presenter Wayne Carpendale (45) was just relaxing in Austria. He fasted there for ten days in a wellness hotel – without wife Annemarie Carpendale (44) and son Mads (4)!

Why solo? He needed a little break!

Wayne Carpendale now tells BILD: “We are currently building a house in Munich that will hopefully be finished next month. It was too much. I needed a moment to switch off.”

Did he lose a lot while fasting? The son of pop singer Howard Carpendale (76): “Not much. But the head is clear again.”


German celebrities Wayne Carpendale
