Waylon is grateful to Bibi for a second chance: ‘I will never let you go’ | show

Waylon is very grateful to his girlfriend Bibi Breijman for the second chance she gave him after he had a crooked skate. On the day that they have known each other for exactly six years, the singer pays tribute to the mother of his children on Instagram: “I will never let you go.”

Waylon and Bibi’s relationship was in trouble last year after it was revealed that he had cheated on her. However, Bibi gave the singer a second chance and so they decided to fight for each other. Waylon is still grateful for that. “Don’t doubt it, don’t throw it away,” he writes on Tuesday with a photo in which they can be seen together.

Waylon’s message does not come completely out of the blue. On February 28, 2017, exactly six years ago today, the two met during the recording of the talent show It takes 2. ’28-12-2017 you just walked into my life and I will never let you go. I love you,” said Waylon.

Waylon and Bibi have had a tough year. In June, gossip channels shared that Waylon cheated on his girlfriend Bibi Breijman when she was still expecting their second child. Waylon then admitted in a now-deleted post on Instagram that he had “fucked up‘. He later suggested in the program Dorst farm those are erection problems led to adultery. “It is very intense to experience as a man, isn’t it? fuck, my shit doesn’t work. What the fuck is going on?’. You cannot share the most masculine thing you own at that moment.”

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