WATER PRICE | List of municipalities in Catalonia where the price of water will increase

Five and a half million inhabitantsthe equivalent of 90% of the population of Catalonia, will see an increase in your water bill in the coming months. As announced this Tuesday by the territory’s main water distributor, Aigües Ter-Llobregat (ATL), the current context of drought and inflation will force the price of this service to increase in more than a hundred municipalities. In total, it is estimated that the cost of water could rise by close to one euro per person per month. For a family of four, this will mean about 48 euros more per year.

According to the distributor, this increase in the rateor it will be applied the same in all municipalities and therefore, will not affect all users equally. This Tuesday the ‘wholesale’ price increase of this service and, from there, it will be communicated to the management companies as well as the town councils involved. These will be the ones who, finally, decide how it will affect users. The final impact on users’ bills will depend, for example, on how much water a city obtains from the Ter-Llobregat circuit, as well as the agreements with the distributors and the agreements of each council.

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These are the 116 municipalities that buy water of the Aigües Ter-Llobregat (ATL) network and that could be affected by this increase in the water bill:

Those responsible for ATL explain that the increase in the cost of water will be very variable. “There are municipalities that depend 100% on the water provided by ATL. Others only use this circuit at specific times,” they explain. In this case, then, the The most affected municipalities will be those that depend most on this network. The majority of affected municipalities are located in the Barcelona area, although there are also other towns in Vallès, Maresme, La Selva, Garraf, l’Alt Penedès, l’Anoia and Solsonès. Between these large cities stand out such as, for example, Barcelona, ​​Mataró and Terrassa.
