Water polo: men De Zaan take historic cup, women go down against Polar Bears

The men of ZV De Zaan won the cup today by beating UZSC 10-7. It is the first time that the water polo players have won a prize in their existence. The water polosters lost 9-6 to Polar Bears, which was also too strong in the battle for the national title.

In the semi-finals, the water polo players from Zaandam had settled with AZC after a best-of-three series. While the Utrechters had defeated Het Ravijn. In the end, De Zaan won (3-2, 3-2, 3-1, 1-2).

The women went under in the final against Polar Bears from Ede. The champion and winner of the supercup proved too strong for the third time. It was 9-6 (2-2, 2-0, 1-2, 4-3).
