Water polo I World Cup in Budapest:

  • Spain won the title in sudden death penalty shootout when Lorrio saved the seventh shot after coming on for an outstanding Unai Aguirre.

Sometime it had to come out expensive. And he did it in an agonizing way, in the penalty shootout after everything got complicated when the game was dominated. And not only in the penalty shootout, in the sudden death of the penalty shootout (15-14). Spain the gold medal was hung on the world finally before the coconut. Italy He had won the three finals he had played with Spain so far, two in World Cups and one in the Olympic Games of Barcelona after three extensions. Nor the statistics of the coach, David Martin, it was flattering. In her sixth major championship since she took over in 2016, she had five semifinals and four finals, losing in the previous three. But in the fourth came the long-awaited and deserved gold.

Spain was behind the transalpines in all numbers except one: in goal, where Unai Aguirre He arrived with 62% stops. those of Martin They began very seriously, going ahead (0-2) with a goal against Pomegranates and another that had to validate the VAR of Alberto Munarriz, who also scored the third. Italy he survived by making the superiorities profitable, since he scored in three of the four he enjoyed, to leave the score 3-3 at the end of the first quarter. Spain needed to improve the adjustments in defense, with three stops by Unai, and fine-tune their effectiveness in attack (43%).

Unai closed

In the second quarter the two stars of the national team appeared: in attack Alvaro Granados and in defense Unai Aguirre. The slugger scored two goals and the goal sealed the goal with five stops. All of this allowed the Martin take advantage again (5-3). Italy It bordered on the illegal in defense, which the referees punished with six expulsions. roger tahull nailed a delicious pass from the baseline of Philip Perrone to place the (6-3) with which the rest was reached. Spain he left Italy to zero in the second quarter, confirming that their defensive power was the best way to reach the title.

The third quarter started with a goal from Perrone who answered Marziali to break the streak of four goals in a row Spain. Pomegranates They made the most of a double Italian expulsion to place the (8-4) with which they doubled the world champion, who was not able to decipher the Spanish defense. Cinnamon scored the fifth goal azzurri, also in superiority. The entry into play of the goalkeeper Nicosia allowed Italy to balance the scales in the fourth with his saves. Italy He lived on superiority, scoring his six goals on the nine occasions he had an extra man in the pool. The transalpines tightened taking the quarter two to three to leave the score 8-6 with only one quarter to go.

Martin He asked his boys for head and defense for the final assault, after which the long-awaited gold medal awaited them. But the team needed to recover a goal up front, with Pomegranates Y Munarriz well covered by the Italian defensive network. However, the final quarter started with an assist of Larumbe who was patted on goal by Martin Famous from the buoy position. Spain He opened a gap and took a lot of pressure off himself with that goal. Also behind he continued to defend well with a Aguirre very serious. Italy got closer again with a controversial penalty signaled by the referee for touching the post requesting time-out without having possession. Italian goal that was put to two.

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It was not the best game in attack, where up to five superiorities were wasted. But the defensive commitment of the Spaniards was decisive in a very tough duel physically. Italy tried to provoke Spain to decenter it. But those of Martin They worked flawlessly on defense. a goal of Sweet At 2:56 from the end, he was the first equal for the Italians, which placed them just one goal away (9-8). Each ball was worth its weight in gold. Presciutii placed the tie, after a 3-1 run for the Italians, with two minutes to play. Unai put out his hand to give us one more life. The last ball was Spanish. In superiority, after taking Larumbe an expulsion to the rival buoy, and with 35 seconds. For the twelfth superiority David Martin prepared a play on the blackboard with blah. But the ball was lost and the game went to penalties (9-9). Spain had left two income goals in the last quarter. All with Unai Aguirre.

Lorrio, improvised hero

The young Spanish goalkeeper, the youngest in the World Cup as he will be 20 on the 12th, had all the pressure on him. Philip Perrone advanced to Spaintied Damon. Framework Alvaro Granados and it stopped unai the second! But Munarriz bumped into the wood and Echenique He tied the shootout at two. Marc Larumbe nailed his whiplash in the room and tied Say Fulvio. The ultimate transformed him Sergio Cabanas. Everything was in Unai’s hands, but Presciutti I do not forgive. Sudden death with the same pitchers and the same protagonists. Except in the goals, where the coaches decided to change. Perrone scored and Lorrio couldn’t stop the first shot he took. Granados scored his and gave another opportunity to Ed Lorrio, that now yes, it stopped the launch of Candle and made Spain world champion.
