Water Of course continue without BBB in coalition talks Noorderzijlves

Discussions for a new coalition in the Noorderzijlvest Water Board continue with Water Naturally, PvdA, Student and Water, Geborgd Natuur and the combination of Geborgd Onbouw, VVD and CDA.

The first preference of informateur Cora-Yfke Sikkema, including the BoerBurgerBeweging (BBB), was dropped because of ‘too many substantive differences’.

Water Naturally (6 seats) became the largest party in the Water Board elections, followed by the BBB with 4 seats. Sikkema expressed a preference for the election winners to work together in a new board. That had to be done with PvdA, Guaranteed Nature and Student and Water, but that option is therefore off the table.

After the May holiday, discussions with the new zipper parties will continue under the leadership of formateur Ton Baas. He has been acting mayor in various Drenthe and Frisian municipalities and was also a former deputy in the latter province.
