Water kefir: recipe, benefits and contraindications – iO Donna

THEThe name comes from the Arab-Turkish term kifwhat does it mean ‘well being‘. Not by chance the kefirwhose origins are very ancient, is one of those foods that have entered the list of full-fledged foods for years now super food. For lovers of healthy food but not only.

What is it about? Of a drink which, in its traditional version, is obtained adding the kefir ferments to the milk – sheep, goat or cow – but that can be also prepared with simple water.

Although less known, even the so-called water kefir is considered today a good source of lactic ferments and probiotics. With the advantage of being also suitable for those who follow a vegan diet and can also be prepared at home.

So what are the benefits of water kefir? What are the differences with the dairy one? And how to prepare it by hand? We spoke to the Dr. Ilaria Prandoni, nutritionist biologist of Palazzo della Salute Wellness Clinic.

Milk and water kefir: the differences

“The dairy kefir it has been a widely consumed product for many years – explains Dr. Prandoni. – Has a’very ancient origin, so much so that there are archaeological finds documenting its use. It is a fermented food, more than a drink, obtained from milk. In fact, to prepare it, specific kefir granules are added to the milk. The product obtained, in addition to having potential probiotic properties, can be considered a complete food in all respects because it also contains carbohydrates, proteins and fats».

From a nutritional point of view, moreover, kefir produced from milk it is rich in vitamins and minerals which they can contribute to keep the immune system healthyto promote the proper functioning of the metabolism and to protect the health of bones and teeth.

Water kefir – what it is

«Water kefir on the other hand is truly one beverage. Unlike dairy kefir, its origins are not documented – explains the specialist. – We can say that it appears to have similar properties but is a different product. Indeed, they come to get it different grains used. Inside the kefir grain the bacteria are embedded in a matrix of polysaccharides, or sugars, and these vary depending on whether it is milk kefir or water kefir. Furthermore, the sugar that is fermented And different: in traditional kefir we talk about lactosein the water one it is normally the sucrosebecause the drink is obtained from sugar water».

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Water kefir: the properties

As for the benefits, from a scientific point of view, those of water kefir have yet to be ascertained even if they exist evidence of its “probiotic” action.

A 2021 research published in Nutrientsused a combination of in vitro tools that mimic colonic fermentation and intestinal epithelium for study the effect of water kefir on the intestinal microbiotaon epithelial barrier function e on immunomodulation. The data obtained look like support the potential health benefits of water kefir at a probiotic level.

Other possible benefits

«In addition to the “probiotic” function – explains Dr. Prandoni – a possible antimicrobial and antifungal properties of water kefir, thanks to the presence of acidic substances produced during fermentation, such as lactic acid and acetic acid. Other positive effects would appear to be the antioxidant activity and the ability to “strengthen” the immune system. However, these are properties that are still being studied».

The probiotic effects

Like other fermented foods – such as yogurt – both milk and water kefir are therefore considered good probiotics. Food therefore able to provide bacterial strains that can promote the well-being of the intestinal microbiotahelping to counteract ailments such as constipation And swelling. But how to make the most of the benefits of milk and water kefir?

“As we said, the dairy kefir it is properly a food – explains Dr. Prandoni. – In fact, the advice is to consume it preferably at breakfast, perhaps combined with oat flakes and dried nuts. Or how snack, along with fresh fruit. If you don’t have particular contraindications, such as an allergy to milk proteins, it can be a valid one help to make the intestines work well. As far as water kefir is concerned, it can be added to cold or centrifuged herbal teas wanting. Or it can be drunk alone during the day. There is no better time of day to take advantage of its benefits».

Water kefir: the recipe

Unlike dairy kefir, which can now be found on the shelves of any supermarket, water kefir is a more niche productwhich can be though prepared at home following a simple recipe.

«To prepare it you have to pour sugar into the waterwhich can be white or cane, mixing well until obtain a homogeneous liquid – explains the expert. – To this dried fruit can also be addedsuch as figs, raisins, apricots, and finally the water kefir granules that are on the market. This solution should be incubated at one temperature of about 20°, normally for 48 hours. After which it is filtered and the result is a fermented, fruity, slightly acidic and slightly sparkling drink. With a good content of beneficial microorganisms, in fact, for the intestine».

Is it very caloric?

In the drink that is obtained, the sugar is largely degraded by bacteria: which is why the Water kefir has about 20 calories per 100 grams.

«The side effects mainly depend on the fact that it is a fermented drink. Land people with a “sensitive” intestine so they must pay attention to consumption. Also it is a mildly alcoholic drink – explains Dr. Prandoni – even if the quantity of alcohol present in the final product is usually very low. In general, the alcohol content of the drink should not exceed 1 percent. To evaluate the individual tolerabilitythe advice is still to start consuming it starting from a small amount so as to evaluate how the organism responds.

And the contraindications?

“For her diabetics or people with reduced tolerance to sugars – concludes the specialist – the advice is to consume this drink carefully and possibly with the advice of your doctor».

