Watch the video: an easy trick for nail polish

Nail polish can be a messy job. Watch the video to see how a simple trick makes varnishing much easier.

Kotikonstein can conjure up beautiful nails for everyday life as well as for more festive occasions. Varnishing nails is easy, but sometimes the end result can be messy.

Especially the sides of the nails are challenging areas and the varnish easily slips past the nail. We tested nail polish that makes varnishing a little easier.

For the trick, you only need a small clip pin, also known as a shark’s tooth. Choose a clip according to the size of your finger. You can find many different options in the shops.

Then choose the nail polish color you like, and watch the video on how to place the pin on your finger. The pin pushes the skin of the finger away from the nail and gives more space for varnishing.

When testing the trick, you should remember to be careful of nails that have already been varnished. When playing tricks with the shark’s tooth, the fingers tingle more than usual.
