Washington Post: US gun law amendment close at hand

An agreement on stricter federal gun laws has come much closer in the US Senate. The same goes for freeing up billions of dollars to prevent high-profile shootings in the future.

The negotiators settled their key disagreements that have held up a bill so far on Tuesday, according to the Washington Post. This paved the way for a law that can be ratified by the end of this month.

The breakthrough came more than a week after 20 senators — ten from each party — signed an agreement on the framework. It linked modest restrictions on new firearms to an additional $15 billion for mental health and investment in school safety.

While the 10 Republicans’ agreement to the deal is encouraging, the negotiators have yet to succeed in translating all parts into the final bill. If successful, it can be voted on shortly. It would represent a significant change in the law, but less far-reaching than President Biden and many Democrats would like. They want a ban on semi-automatic rifles and associated magazines.
