Was this the draw of all time? The amulet was the fate of the Survivor contestant

Tytti Junna’s game move surprised the whole tribe in Survivors.

Survivors of Finland – episode saw one of the most dramatic tribal councils ever in the series. The Ular tribe lost the immunity challenge, so they had to vote one member out of the tribe.

The tribe had decided to vote out Tyt, who sensed the intentions of the others. Before the vote, Tytti Junna withdrew Riitta-Liisa Roposen with to think about the situation.

– I had such an idea. I don’t want to mess up your game in such a way that you’ve turned your coat on someone here. How about you all vote for me? If you are 100% sure you want to use that immunity amulet, then you already give it to me. Then I kind of vote against everyone else, Tytti suggested to Riitta-Liisa.

The cross-country skier listened carefully to Tytti.

– That’s brilliant, but who were you thinking of voting for? Riitta-Liisa asked.

At the tribal council, Tytti decided to play the amulet. After a while, too Pinja Sanaksenaho used his own immunity amulet.

The new Ular tribe lost the competition and was forced into tribal council. Four

In the end, Tytti got six votes, but thanks to immunity, he was allowed to continue in the competition.

They voted out Ismo Appellwhich only got Tyti’s voice.

The voting result came as a shock to the entire Ular tribe. Sonja Aiello and Pinja burst into tears when the actress said goodbye to her competitors.

– It didn’t bother me at all. That was so well played: At the right time Amuletti to the table, Ismo told the cameras after falling.

Ismo Apell was voted out of the Survivors. Four

Survivors Suomi program on Nelose and Ruudu on Sundays at 19:30. See all program information and broadcast times on Telku.
