Was that it, Mari Eder?

According to insider information, the Finnish shooter is about to end his career this season.

Will Mari Eder’s career end this season? PASSI FLAME

According to a news tip from the inside of biathlon Mari Ederin34, his career ends this season.

– I can promise that I will not be involved in the possible World Championships in Kontiolahti in 2027, Eder, who has a sense of humor, grinned on Wednesday at the Finnish team’s press conference in North Karelia.

– I’ll talk about the rest of my career when it’s time, he announced.

The Austrian-born Eno was a Teflon for questions about his career.

– I haven’t made a decision. And even if I did, I wouldn’t talk about it now.

Head coach of Finland Jonne Kähkönen said at the Chinese Olympics a couple of weeks ago that the situation in Eder is 50-50.

– On the other hand, Maria might be interested in the idea of ​​the future, as she has only been practicing with new patterns for a year now, Kähkönen said.

The pilot suggested that Eder put everything new in coaching for this season. Became an Austrian coach Reinahard Gösweiner and a spiritual coach Tom Schoffenegger.

– There has been a great opportunity to step into a new one. I have caught up with the problems in the shooting, but I have not been able to fix them enough in the races. It has been great to work when you have the peace to work on the bench, Eder said on Wednesday.

Eder’s hit percentage this season is 76. It’s modest, among other things Marte Röiseland the reading is 91. Other toppers sift at a rate of 81 to 86 percent. From the bed, Eder’s spots have fallen to an accuracy of 80 percent and upright to 72 percent.

Three hard

On the track, Eder has lost an average of four seconds per kilometer to the fastest woman. Last year, the loss came in 3.4 seconds.

The Finns have been gnawed at by the slow frosts that have been present in this season’s Games. A high-performance Finn misses the so-called flying weather, in which case endurance properties do not play such a big role as, for example, the super-slow bananas of the Chinese Olympic Games.

– In skiing, I have been in the fork of places 6–15. Can’t say I’m terribly happy. There is a task to be done in every area. I really hope I can compete for faster snow.

Eder has three good placements from these snow. He was eighth in one fine at Oberhof and ninth in one Annecy. Antholz’s 15-kilometer normal trip took 13th place with three fine minutes.
