Was Patty Brard the Matthijs van Nieuwkerk of SBS 6 for years?

Patty Brard causes surprise with her plea to ban Matthijs van Nieuwkerk from the Media Park. After all, she herself was also the subject of a row about misconduct at the editorial office.

© SBS 6

The row about the misconduct of Matthijs van Nieuwkerk at De Wereld Draait Door can only end in one way if it is up to Patty Brard: his departure from the Media Park. “If you actually admit that you have behaved in such a way that it is not possible, then his next sentence should be: ‘I’m stepping up’?”, the TV diva recently said in Shownieuws.

Matthijs from SBS 6?

These are stern words from someone who himself came under fire more than ten years ago for similar behaviour. Patty was lucky that transgressive behavior was not yet a thing at the time hot topic was, but wasn’t she just the Matthijs van Nieuwkerk of SBS 6 at the time? In any case, the AD and the Story were strict with her.

‘Patty Brard terrorizes the Shownieuws editors’, was the headline of the AD, which in turn based itself on Story reporting. An insider told that magazine in 2011 that Patty belittled the (end) editors of the program. “Patty scolds these people very stiffly on a regular basis. There is nothing good in her eyes about the work they do.”

Afraid of Patty

Because of her, there was a ‘hostile atmosphere’ at Shownieuws, the source said. “People are also afraid of her. Three editors-in-chief have already ended up in sick leave. They could no longer withstand Mrs Brard’s swearing cannonades. After a long time, two have carefully started working again.”

A spokesman for SBS 6 did not want to confirm or deny Story’s reporting at the time: “We know that such speculation is circulating, but we do not want to comment on this. Anything I would say to this would only stir things up. I want to leave it at that.”

A salient detail: in 2022, Patty still does not want to be in one broadcast at Shownieuws with Story editor-in-chief Guido den Aantrekker.

Abrupt dismissal

Patty responded with a shrug of the shoulders a day after the Story story (“if you go for the best end result and you’re a woman, it soon becomes the case that you’re very difficult”), but a month later she was evicted by SBS 6. Only then did Patty show the back of her tongue. She called the editors of Shownieuws ‘incompetent’.

It was difficult for Patty to adapt to the level of her editing, she said. “I’m quite precise, and for example I can’t stand a script with spelling mistakes, so things sometimes went wrong there.”

‘Just AT5’

After that dismissal, Patty started bashing Shownieuws in the media, for example: “Recently I was watching again and I thought: how bad, what a broadcast! Really a kind of AT5 at the level minus seven. (…) At Shownieuws they experienced [mijn kritiek] at one point as difficult. That is proof of incompetence.”

Patty only admitted years later that she had been shouting at the editors of the program: “Yes, I used to shout at Shownieuws sometimes. Often because the work was then not done. (…) Of course there were sometimes tensions just before a broadcast.”

Victim Jan

Anyone who can also talk about Patty’s tantrums is Jan Versteegh. He was a regular victim of her erratic behavior during the live broadcasts of the former 6 Inside.

Incidentally, it was announced this week that Patty’s current exclusive contract with SBS 6 will not be extended after the turn of the year.
