Was Cornelia Jakobs Sweden’s behavior tasteless?

The behavior of the Swedish visa representative in the post-semifinal press conference is astonishing.

Cornelia wanted to walk in the lap of the presenter. AOP

After yesterday’s semi-finals, the winners of the Eurovision Song Contest gathered at a press conference, where Cornelia Jakobs of Sweden stole attention.

The artists themselves raffled off their own venues, raising tickets from the lottery bowl – either the first or second half.

In the turn of Cornelia, he jumped at the presenter of the occasion Mario Acampan in the arms that carried him to the lottery bowl.

Cornelia tried to force, albeit playfully, Mario to choose a ticket that would be better, one that would read Cornelia’s performance in the second half of the final.

You can also watch the video from here.

Mario could not agree to Cornelia’s request, at which point the Swedish visa agent placed his finger permanently on Mario’s waist.

“You realize I’m holding a gun in your armpit, so you have to choose now,” Cornelia said.

Mario refused, so Cornelia told him to lie on the ground, after which Cornelia offered to shoot Marion.

– Pang, you’re dead, Cornelia shook.

Eventually, the singer herself raised her performance ticket, where she hoped to read that she would perform in the second half of the finale.
