Warpaint: “Radiate Like This” (Review & Stream)

It feels like a dip in warm water. “Champion”, “Hard To Tell You” and “Trouble” wash over you with well-tempered harmonies, blur with electronic loops, carefully immerse you in a bath of indie, synth and electro-pop, through which the voices are siren-like, ethereally soft by Emily Kokal, Jenny Lee Lindberg, Stella Mozgawa and Theresa Wayman. After the third song at the latest, the quartet from Los Angeles has lulled you into a trance with the meditative grooves on “Radiate Like This”.

A gentle bath of indie, synth and electro pop

What could be argued against the Warpaint comeback (its predecessor, “Heads Up”, came out six years ago) is that the dream pop sometimes sounds very much like a day spa and relaxation exercise (“I’m an ocean/ Breathing in and out”, goes the “Champion” mantra), the tone of voice hardly changes and the best pieces hide at the end: “Melting” decorated with Schrammelguitar and Casio beat reminiscence and the sober “Send Nudes”, along one of which the band drags out of the bathtub.


Sharon Van Etten :: “We’ve Been Going About This All Wrong”

Musically confident look into the darkness

Emeli Sande :: “Let’s Say For Instance”

The R&B hit machine more fleet-footed than ever

Soft Cell :: “Happiness Not Included”

Electro pop with a hint of former class


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Review: “Belfast” – No fairy tale of the civil war

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