Warning for severe thunderstorms, with hail and wind gusts

The KNMI warns for strong thunderstorms in the southeast of the Netherlands on Monday afternoon. The weather institute has issued code yellow for our province for the period between two and six in the afternoon.

According to Roosmarijn Knol van Weerplaza, it can hail during those thunderstorms. In addition, you have to take into account wind gusts of up to 65 kilometers per hour. “The temperature will remain at a maximum of 22 degrees this day, with a strong southwest wind.” According to the KNMI, the showers will quickly disappear at the beginning of the evening.

According to Rosmarijn, Tuesday and Wednesday will be somewhat quieter days. “Then we also have to deal with a shower every now and then, but with some sunshine in between. There are also cumulus clouds. The wind then comes from the northwest and it pushes the temperature to about 20 degrees.” According to Roosmarijn, temperatures of 30 degrees are not possible for the time being. “Even 25 degrees will be a difficult story this week.”

On Thursday and Friday we have to take into account another heavy downpour of rainwater. “With a lot of wind. Even then it won’t get much warmer than 20 to 22 degrees. We’ve been spoiled a bit with long, sunny and warm summers in recent years. So this takes some getting used to,” understands Roosmarijn. “But this is actually quite normal in the summer for Dutch standards. The amount of rain can also be called quite normal. The temperature is slightly below average.”
