Warning for fog banks, but during the day it’s great carnival weather

The KNMI warns until nine o’clock on Saturday morning for locally dense fog banks in the province. This can affect traffic. That is why the weather institute has issued code yellow. Fog banks can be treacherous as visibility can vary greatly from place to place.

This Saturday will start cold, because Friday night it was a few degrees below zero. But when the sun rises, according to Raymond Klaassen from Weerplaza, a beautiful carnival day awaits us. “With lots of sun and dry weather! It will be 8 degrees and the wind is only weak. It comes from the east, and does not cause much problems.”

‘Great days’
It will freeze again on Saturday night. “You have to take that into account. But Sunday will also be a great day,” Raymond says. “Then it can even get a degree warmer.”

It will also be cold on Sunday night and light frost is possible. “But on Monday during the day there is little going on again. Even then there will be good sunny periods and a degree warmer: 11 degrees with a moderate wind from the southeast. So great days!”

According to the weatherman from Weerplaza, we will have to take some rain into account again on Tuesday morning.
