Warm spring weather during Liberation Day: ‘Chance of 21 degrees’ | Inland

Temperatures range from 14 degrees on the coast to 18 degrees in the southeast and east. In Limburg, more than 20 degrees is expected and along the border with Belgium, even 21 degrees is possible locally during sunny moments.

Whether the sun shines all day long, we have to wait and see. There is a lot of sunshine especially during the morning hours. But during the afternoon cumulus clouds will form spread over the country that can lead to a local shower in the west and south.

Thursday there is also little wind. Inland there is usually wind force 1 to 2, but sometimes it can also be completely calm for a while. The wind chill will be even higher on Thursday.

Remembrance Day

Tonight during the National Remembrance Day the weather is calm. There is only a weak north wind and there are many cloud fields. It is also dry in most places. It is quite chilly with 10-12 degrees in the coastal provinces and 12-15 degrees in the interior.
