Warm air nozzle for New Year’s Eve!

By Peter Amenda

Christmas was already mild, gray and wet. Now the weather is taking big steps towards New Year’s Eve – and it’s going to be really warm and very stormy!

Graduate meteorologist Dominik Jung from wetter.net to BILD: “It continues to be changeable and wet. Especially on New Year’s Eve there is a risk of hurricanes in the west and north of Germany. It will be up to 19 or even 20 degrees on the Upper Rhine, otherwise 10 to 17 degrees. At midnight it will still be 10 to 15 degrees.”

climatologist dr. Karsten Brandt from Donnerwetter.de to BILD: “Only warm air comes to us. Such a real hot air nozzle. The last day of the year could be the warmest December 31st ever.”

The highest temperatures on New Year’s Eve in 1961 were 17 degrees in Mühlheim near Freiburg.

A warm New Year’s Eve and a stormy start to the New Year are ahead of us. In gusts, the wind can reach peak values ​​of up to 100 km/h.

The expected storm situation could have an impact on the fireworks at midnight. Pyrotechnician Marcel Filz from “Pyro-Brothers” says to BILD: “You shouldn’t set off high-altitude fireworks during a storm. Instead, only ground fireworks from one to two meters high.”

Is called: Better not to fire rockets when it’s gusting. They could be blown onto people and buildings by the wind instead of into the sky – with unforeseeable consequences! Depending on the height of the fire, popular fountains can also pose a serious danger to bystanders.

This is how the weather will be in Berlin and Brandenburg in the coming days

► Am Tuesday it is dry most of the time, only occasionally there are rain or sleet showers. The maximum values ​​are around 6 degrees. In addition, a moderate to fresh south-west to west wind, isolated gusts of wind around 55 km/h. In the evening the wind decreases.

► Am Wednesday very cloudy to overcast. Light rain at times until noon, then mostly dry. Highs between 6 and 9 degrees. Moderate to fresh south to south-west wind, plus local gusts of wind.

► Am Thursday there will be some sun for a short time alongside lots of clouds. In addition, it is mostly dry, only locally there are showers. Temperature rise to a very mild 10 to 12 degrees. The wind will be moderate to fresh, with occasional gusts.

► Am Friday it will be clear to cloudy at first, increasing cloudiness from the afternoon, but probably still dry. The maximum values ​​are between 7 and 10 degrees. The wind is mostly moderate.
