Waregem Koerse that is also the hat parade, with a nod to current events

Waregem Koerse that is also the hat parade, with a nod to current events

Waregem Koerse has lured some 35,000 people to the Hippodrome for the largest horse race in the country. Women dress up in the most beautiful hats.

Wow feeling

They often work creatively and sometimes with a nod to current events. Barbie is also present in Waregem. “I stuck a Ken on it and pulled all Barbies apart and glued them all to my hat. I made the hat myself,” says Aude Vlerick, who is also a candidate for Miss Belgium 2024.

The current Miss Belgium is also coming to take a look at what is the highlight of the year for Waregem. “When you enter here, you really get a wow feeling. I’m actually very happy to be here,” smiles Emilie Vansteenkiste.

“You shouldn’t overindulge in gambling”

Bubbles and beer flow freely over the bar and the gambling offices are also working overtime. “You should not exaggerate. Always play according to your wallet. Here we mainly get players who gamble with small amounts of five to twenty euros. Few bettors of one hundred euros,” says bookmaker Guy Dezutter.

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