Waregem concerned about breaking yard across the border: city wants extra measures to limit nuisance

Waregem concerned about breaking yard across the border: city wants extra measures to limit nuisance

In the notice of objection, the boards request that the competent authorities thoroughly investigate the application. This should guarantee that the nuisance to local residents remains limited and acceptable.

Extra mobility

“By approving the environmental permit, there will be extra mobility, which can entail extra cut-through traffic through Waregem and Zulte,” the city authorities said. That is why they want heavy traffic to make mandatory use of the roads through the industrial zone in Kruisem to get onto the highway or major roads as quickly as possible. In addition, the city also wants to prevent supply and removal by third parties before 8.30 am.

According to them, the additional mobility will also cause noise nuisance for local residents. That is why the authorities want all traffic movements to take place on the site itself and not on the public road. They also want a recognized company to carry out a noise study as soon as the company has started up. “If noise standards are not met, further measures must be taken,” it said in a press release.

Dust nuisance

The company currently provides walls with a height of 10 meters, but the material is also stored up to that height. That is why the city of Waregem and the municipality of Zulte are asking the competent authorities to set a maximum height to prevent dust nuisance.

As an additional measure to minimize dust nuisance for the neighborhood, the authorities request that the soil be sufficiently moistened and that the public road be cleaned at regular intervals.
