War Russia – Ukraine today: Last minute, live

New Russian attacks on several regions, including kyiv

The Ukrainian authorities have denounced this Saturday several russian bombing against eastern regions and also in the immediate vicinity of the capital, Kyivone day after the president of Russia, Vladimir Putinaffirmed that he did not see the need to perpetrate more “massive” attacks” at the moment. The governor of kyiv, Oleksi Kulebahas reported on his Telegram account an attack with missiles, in principle without victims. He has urged the population to stay in the shelters As long as the threat persists, no longer post photos on social networks. From Zaporizhia, one of the main combat fronts in the east, Governor Oleksandr Staruj has assured that Russian forces have launched at least one dozen missiles and have also used drumsprovoking damage in facilities of the energy infrastructure, according to the UNIAN agency. In the neighboring region of Dnipropetrovsk, the projectiles fired by the Russian Forces would also be joined by the interception of at least five Iranian-made drones, according to the governor, Valentin Reznichenko. The Ukrainian Armed Forces have assured in their bulletin this Saturday that, throughout the country, they have shot down nine unmanned aircraft. Ukrainian President Volodimir Zelensky has accused Moscow of using Iranian technology to launch kamikaze drones on the population and critical infrastructure.
