War on cigarettes: in France a pack for 12 euros

Lhe war on cigarettes is declared at every latitude, but there are certainly those who fight more and those who fight less. Between the most aggressive countries are undoubtedly France: announced that starting from 2025 a pack of blondes will cost 12 euros. In 2026 there will be a further upward adjustment, up to 13 euros.

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War on cigarettes: France on the front line

The Elysée is taking a very hard line to try to combat smoking, given that cigarettes in France are responsible for 75,000 deaths every year. But tobacco, as Paris declares, is also the leading cause of “avoidable” death. And, then, if the awareness campaigns work but very slowly, the Government try putting your hands in smokers’ pockets predicting these record increases and introducing a whole series of new bans.

Stop smoking in France: the prices of a pack of cigarettes rise to 12 euros (Getty)

Increasing the cost of cigarettes as a strategy

In addition to the increase in the price of cigarettes, the French Government has chosen to ban smoking in many new public spaces: beaches, public gardens, woods and the surroundings of public places such as schools.

Will Europe follow suit?

It is difficult to say whether France’s decision will remain an isolated case in Europe or whether the measure will be copied. Ceither to raise cash given the hard times, or to really try to protect the health of citizens, it can certainly appear tempting. Certainly in countries where the crisis is most felt, the greater income could act as an incentive to follow the French path.

What happens in Italy

The Meloni government has also decided to increase the cost of cigarettes and tobacco. But the increase is not even comparable to the French one: starting from 2024, we are talking about 10-12 cents more per package. It is clear that, if it were decided to use strong methods as in France, the move would be a real drain on smokers in the Bel Paese.

