War in Ukraine, the former F1 Kvyat does not sign the FIA ​​document. The manager: “Discriminates the Russians”

The Russian driver refused to accept the conditions of the world federation for racing. For Kvyat no 24 Hours of Le Mans, the G-Drive team withdrawn from the WEC World Championship

Lorenzo Pastuglia

07 March

After the invasion of Ukraine, Russia has already paid with several sanctions, such as the cancellation of the agreement between F1 and Sochi or the sacking of Nikita Mazepin from Haas. In motorsport, the Russian and Belarusian drivers have not been excluded from the FIA ​​championships for now, but will have to race with a series of limitations. They are also obliged to accept the bans imposed for 2022 – no flag, anthem, writing on the suits or brands – and to sign a document of acceptance of the same measures and any other pejorative ones. A sheet not accepted, however, by Daniil Kvyat, former Formula 1, who now seriously risks ending his season even before starting.

kvyat, no to fia

As RacingNews365 reports, Kvyat refused to sign the note of “commitment to neutrality and peace”, which should have arrived at the FIA ​​on Friday 4 March. The note to be signed was mandatory to compete in the Federation championships, not accepted by either former AlphaTauri driver, nor by his team manager in G-Drive Racing, Roman Rusinov. After spending 2021 as a third Alpine driver, in fact, Kvyat joined the Russian-licensed team, sponsored by Gazprom, last month to participate full-time in the WEC World Championship in the Lmp2 class, alongside René Binder and James Allen.

kvyat, no wec

The G-Drive team was excluded from the Endurance World Championship after the ban on teams arrived at the FIA ​​World Council on Tuesday, and so Kvyat’s goal of racing the 24 Hours of Le Mans vanished. But Rusinov, with a post on Instagram, added to the dose: “The undersigned refused to accept the discriminatory conditions of the FIA. The goal of every athlete is to listen to the national anthem on the podium. In over 10 years of international experience our team has done it many times. We raised the Russian flag, heard and sang the Russian anthem. For the love of my fans, for the sake of my teammates and for sporting honor, I will not sign this document. better not to run at all “.
