War in Ukraine: Capital Bra and Kontra K drop solidary track “Stop Wars”

War in Ukraine: Capital Bra and Kontra K drop solidary track “Stop Wars”

Considering the current state of war in Ukraine, Capital Bra and Kontra K rapping together for peace. “Stop Wars” is the clear message and denounces, among other things, the horror and senselessness of this war. See and hear the new song in the stream now:

“What west? What East? I want freedom,” reads one line of the track. As is well known, ideologies as an object of territorial conquest have never helped a country and its civilian population. At the same time, Capi and Kontra K also address and criticize a phenomenon that can often be observed in social media in crisis situations: “Every post on social media caresses the conscience, but offers families no protection from air raids.” Song “Sunday Bloody Sunday” by Irish band U2. They dealt with the Northern Ireland conflict in 1983.

Just last Tuesday, Capital Bra and Kontra K joined forces with Sido, Kalazh44 and Knossi to collect donations for Ukraine emergency aid.
