Wanted: perpetrator and witness of robbery in Ostend

Wanted: perpetrator and witness of robbery in Ostend

On Wednesday, December 1, 2021 around 8.10 pm, a man entered the night shop “Westside”, located in the Professor Jozef Vercoulliestraat in Ostend. He pulled a gun from his jersey pocket and immediately pointed it at the manageress. Then he stepped up to the counter and pointed to the cash register. He wanted the money.

The manageress pretended to go to the till to take the cash, but instead she pushed the alarm button with her foot. The woman tried to defend herself, after which the perpetrator came behind the counter. He grabbed the manageress by the throat and pushed her into the corner. In the end, the perpetrator himself took about 200 euros from the cash register. The fact that a very loud alarm went off during the robbery didn’t seem to bother him. He fled in the direction of Dokter Verhaeghestraat.

The investigators are looking for the man but also for a female witness who made a purchase just before the robbery. It is possible that this woman has mated with the perpetrator and possibly has important information for the investigators.

Personal description of the suspect

The man is probably around 25 years old and speaks Dutch. He is about 1.75 to 1.80 m long and has an ostrich construction. He has a striking tattoo on his left hand. He was wearing a light-colored hooded sweater, black pants, black shoes with a white sole and had a face mask on. He came on foot and left on foot.

Personal description of the witness

The female witness was wearing a dark coat with a white hat and a red scarf that day. She wore dark shoes with a white sole. She had on a dark mask. Do you recognize the suspect or the witness on the surveillance images, or if the witness recognizes himself, do not hesitate to contact the investigators via [email protected]. You can also testify via the toll-free number 0800/30 300. You can read the message at www.politie.be www.politie.be
