Wanted man from Schagen tried to rape a complete stranger

The above man, who has been wanted by the police for ten days, attempted to rape a woman in Schagen. Previously, there was only talk of a ‘serious violent crime’. The police now confirm to Bureau NH that it was an attempted rape.

The man tried to strike at the Karper in Schagen on Thursday morning around 9:00 am. A day later, the police only said that there was ‘an enormous rush to catch the man’. The police are now sharing the exact circumstances, as the identity of the suspect is still unknown.

According to the Noordhollands Dagblad, the man rang a woman’s doorbell on Thursday morning and then pushed her into the house, after which he allegedly said that he wanted to rape her. The police do not want to say anything about the possible relationship between the suspect and the victim.

Police increase pressure

Police hoped to share the man’s identity afterward from an earlier camera image at Bureau NH to find out. This has not yet been achieved. That is why the police are now increasing the pressure and will show the images again tomorrow in Opsporing Verzocht and the day after tomorrow in Bureau NH.

The man is about 40 years old and around 1.80 m tall. He also has a light skin color, brown eyes and short gray hair with inlets. In the surveillance images he is dressed darkly and has light gray pants with light shoes.

Do you recognize the man?

Call the police 0800-6070.

You can do this anonymously via 0800-7000 or go to meldmisdaadanoniem.nl.

Broadcasting Agency NH

Images of the man will be shown live on TV tomorrow at 5:10 PM.
