Wanted: harbor master(s) for this marina on the Maas

Jozef and Crista Klerx have been doing it for years, but are now looking for reinforcements together with the water sports association ‘De Bergsche Maas’. “We are looking for a harbor master for the second part of the summer,” says Crista. “Man, woman, a couple, a married couple: it doesn’t matter. If they only want to be harbor master of our small picturesque marina ‘t Stukske in Waalwijk for three months. It is 24 hours a day, seven days a week and you live in that period in a pipowagen.”

Written by

Rob Bartolo

The summer at ‘t Stukse marina lasts six months, year after year. Six months in which two harbor masters are active. “We each take three months on our behalf,” says Crista. “But due to circumstances, the couple that would take care of the second half of the summer has disappeared.”

“You stay here 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”

“So now we are looking for a new harbor master couple. You stay here 24 hours a day, seven days a week and a fat salary is not included. It is voluntary work for a small fee for our association. here mainly friendly, small-scale and we know us. It’s Brabant.”

Jachthaven ‘t Stukske (since 1948) is a small marina on a side branch (‘t Stukske) of the Bergsche Maas and is an oasis of tranquility that also borders a nature reserve “Because our site can be flooded at high water, we have to also remove the scaffolding every autumn and put it back in the spring,” says Jozef. “The harbor master’s gypsy wagon and the sanitary wagon also have to be built. We do that ourselves with our members, as does the annual maintenance.”

“Harbour Master means that you ensure that everything runs smoothly.”

“I feel like the mother hen of the harbor,” Crista says. “Harbourmaster means that you ensure that everything runs smoothly. That you know who does and does not belong here. That you raise the flag every day and make coffee at 11 am. At least, that is what I always do in our tent. Everyone knows that and everyone is also welcome. But it is intensive, you are here for three months at a time. And of course you also have to be hospitable.”
