Wanted: 1960s teenage star Lola for a concert

Who oh who knows where the teenage star Lola from Breda has gone? That is the pressing question that music lover Germaine Rook has. Germaine wants to get forgotten teen idols from the fifties, sixties and seventies back on stage for a concert. To find singer Lola, she even hired a private detective. Unfortunately still without result and so she hopes for the golden tip.

“Lola was a cute teenage singer who generally sang Dutch songs,” says Germaine Rook. “Her biggest hit was ‘Lente in September’ from 1968. That was not pirate music, but quality. She could also sing really well and was even allowed to go to a song festival in Knokke with Ben Cramer and Sandra Reemer as a reserve. have not really broken through, but her single on vinyl is now sold for 1600 euros.”

Waiting for privacy settings…

“Lola intrigues me,” continues the 25-year-old. “That beautiful voice and her mysterious character. And she was really a sight to see. Call it a penchant for nostalgia, but for me Lola is the ultimate artist of a genre that is in danger of being lost. Although as a singer she is also a She made the album in English, she mainly sang the better Dutch song.”

Germaine is now looking for Lola with three friends. The foursome previously also tracked down other forgotten singers. For example, they came into contact with the musical quartet Atlantic from Geldrop, Trio’67 from Bergen op Zoom, the Rianti’s from Waalwijk and The Young Sisters from Breda. “The real toppers come from Brabant,” says Germaine Rook. “They did a very good job there.”

“A detective agency has found out that she comes from Breda.”

The ultimate dream of the group is to get the teenage stars of the past back on stage. On June 3 there will be a concert in Sint Jansklooster, under the name ‘The black forgotten gold’, referring to the black vinyl singles.

Germaine hopes Lola will be there too. If she’s still alive, that is, because the search is difficult and the information is rather meager. Still hoping for the golden tip. “A detective agency has found out that she comes from Breda and has a Spanish mother,” says Rook about what is known. “Her real name was Marie del Rosario. But because it sounded too Spanish, her stage name became Lola.”

“We hope that people will come up with the golden tip.”

“The area where we have to search is quite large,” she continues. “We know, for example, that Lola worked in the circus in Ghent and also traveled through Germany with her parents. But the starting point is and remains Breda. Most people must still be there who know her. We very much hope for the golden tip. would be fantastic.”

So not much is known about Lola. That would have been different if she had really broken through in those sixties or seventies. “She was part of the elite club with Ben Cramer, Sandra Reemer and Floortje Klomp. But they say they don’t know her either. The fact that she has not become nationally known can have all kinds of reasons. You had to be lucky, because the record companies and the media was quite corrupt. Too bad, because she had the qualities.”

Do you have a tip about Marie del Rosario aka Lola? Then mail to [email protected]

Marie del Rosario alias Lola (center) with Ben Cramer and Sandra Reemer, among others.
Marie del Rosario alias Lola (center) with Ben Cramer and Sandra Reemer, among others.
