Wanna Brands on Netflix: the scam with Stefania Nobile

Lhe story is also made up of the characters he produced. For better or for worse Wanna Brands – the most famous teleseller of Italian TV – it is certainly one of the names that has left a mark on our country’s television pop culture.

And now his story becomes Wannaa docu-series of 4 episodesavailable on Netflix starting September 21.

The scams of Wanna Marchi and Stefania Nobile become a TV series

For twenty years it was one permanent presence on television together with his daughter Stefania Nobile. The story of Wanna Marchi, from the Eighties to the early 2000s, went through the changes in Italian television: from the new rules of generalist TV to the proliferation of teleshopping. Made by looking straight into the room. With a remarkable persuasive ability.

Wanna – produced by Fremantle Italia – really wants to retrace the story of Marchi and daughter. From them ascent, that goes to see winning the title of queen of teleshopping, until meltdown.

Wanna Marchi and Stefania Nobile, in fact, entered a media cyclone after their empire began to crumble at the beginning of the nineties. And they started as well the first legal problems.

Enough creams: better to sell luck

After slimming creams and anti-wrinkle serums, in fact, Wanna Marchi and daughter they decided to sell something else: luck. So, help from the “Master of life” Do Nascimentothey started selling lucky numbers. The debate over their aggressive selling style (and, of course, their “offer”) has been huge and ongoing.

Wanna Marchi, an image of the docu-film about her. Credit: Press Office

Everyone was talking about it. Strip the News has dedicated many, many, services to the story. And then came the confirmation of the scams: two o’clock have been condemned several times for serious illicit facts connected with their activity.

To retrace the history of this unprecedented use of the TV medium, Netflix interviewed 22 peoplewith about 60 hours of stories and images taken from over 100 hours of archival materials.

Alessandro Garramone’s docu-series wants to retrace ups and downs of a story that, for better or for worse, has fascinated millions of Italians. And that, above all, has led to economic ruin (and not only) many fragile and often desperate people, to the point of totally relying on the advice of Do Nascimento, Wanna Marchi and Stefania Nobile.

