Wanda-Icardi? Sister Zaira vents: “I swear I don’t believe it, I’d rather that…”

The sister’s outburst that she is tired of her sister’s relationship situation

Zaira Nara she has a habit of being very direct and piquant in her replies to the press. Consulted on Wanda Nara And Mauro Icardithe model had no doubts and expressed herself with a strong sentence that surprised everyone.

“I swear I don’t believe it”, he began in a note to the program “Socios del Espectáculo”. I don’t know. “ Zaira Nara would have exposed her request directly to Wanda: “As a sister, I advise you not to talk to me about your private life anymore. I tell you not to tell me anything else because I don’t want to receive any more information”.
