Walter White could play a bigger role than previously thought

What first started as a rumor was confirmed in April by Breaking Bad creator Peter Gould: Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul will reprise their roles as Walter White and Jesse Pinkman in Better Call Saul. “I don’t want to spoil anything for viewers, but I can say that the first question we were asked when we started the show was, ‘Are we going to see Walt and Jesse on the show?’ Instead of avoiding it, I just say yes,” the director said at the time.

“It’s not just once…”

However, he remained silent about the timing, duration and detailed course of the appearances of drug lord Heisenberg and his easily excitable accomplice. Now “Better Call Saul” leading actor Bob Odenkirk has made a meaningful comment. When asked how it was to see Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul back in their signature roles, he replied, “[It was]so good. Seeing Bryan and Aaron play Walt and Jesse… It’s not just once… And it was awesome.”

So if his words are interpreted optimistically, there’s a good chance that Walter White and Jesse Pinkman won’t be brought back to life for just the blink of an eye.
