Walloon girl (8) bitten to death by dogs: judge is mild to mother | Inland

The criminal court of Hainaut, Mons division, on Monday suspended the sentence of a woman from La Louvière for a term of five years. The woman was charged with accidental manslaughter for lack of caution or precaution after her daughter was bitten to death by her dogs.

The facts took place in Strépy-Bracquegnies, on the night of 11 to 12 July 2021. It was a festive evening, Italy had won the European Championship final against England.

The mother had left her eight-year-old daughter Talya alone with her four dogs, including two American staffords. When she returned home, she found her child in critical condition. The girl had been attacked by the dogs. She died shortly after being hospitalized.

One of the staffords was still so aggressive when the emergency services arrived that officers had no choice but to shoot the animal, according to the public prosecutor.

No more dogs

The court now comes with the favor for the mother. There are some conditions attached to this. For example, the woman is no longer allowed to keep dogs, of any breed.

“Whatever the circumstances, a child never leaves you alone with a dog,” a dog expert stressed earlier in a reaction to the drama. “The girl cannot be held responsible for three dogs, whatever breed they may be. A child cannot sufficiently estimate the behavior of such an animal.”

The expert also explained, among other things, that “everything has to do with upbringing and socialization”.

Also read: American Stafford bites 8-year-old girl to death: “Never leave a dog alone with a child” (+)

Also see: Walloon girl (8) does not survive attack by American Stafford
