Wall Street Journal: “Paid Instagram and Facebook”

The Wall Street Journal reveals that Meta wants to propose the introduction of a subscription of around 13 euros which will allow users to access the two platforms without personalized ads

Editorial board

Meta is considering charging up to around 13 euros ($14) users in the EU to access ad-free versions of Instagram and Facebookor to accept personalized ads for the free versions.


The news was reported by Wall Street Journal, explaining that it would be the company’s proposal to the EU regulatory authorities. According to the plan, Meta would charge approx 10 euros per month on a Facebook or Instagram account from your computer and 6 euros for each additional account connected. For users who wish to use the platforms on smartphones, the monthly fee for ad-free versions would go up to around 13 euros.

The huge fine per goal

Meta it was fined 390 million euros earlier this year by the Irish Privacy Commissioner for having violated the transparency obligations and having adopted one incorrect legal basis in the processing of personal data of users for advertising purposes. “Meta believes in the value of free services supported by personalized ads,” a company spokesperson explained. “However, we continue to evaluate options to ensure compliance with evolving regulatory requirements. We have no additional information to share at this time.”

According to rumors reported by Wall Street JournalMeta told European regulators that it hopes to implement the plan without advertising, which it calls ad-free subscription (Sna), in the coming months for users in Europe. The hypothesis of a subscription for Instagram and Facebook for EU users had already circulated a few weeks ago on the New York Times, but there were no figures. Even Elon Musk in recent weeks has raised the possibility of introduce subscriptions for X-Twitter in order to reduce the proliferation of bots, automatic profiles.
