Waiting for secret documents about construction Muider new housing estate: Council of State needs more time

It remains unclear for the time being whether the secret documents about the creation of the Muider new housing estate De Krijgsman, which have been kept secret for years, will be made public. The Council of State indicates that it needs longer to pass judgment in the lawsuit filed by NH Nieuws.

At the end of November last year, NH Nieuws faced the municipality of Gooise Meren and project developer KNSF Vastgoed in an extreme attempt to reveal the sensitive secret documents.

The judges would initially rule after six weeks, but have already indicated that they need more time. Now it is announced for a second time that it will take longer before a decision is made. The Council of State thinks that the extra time is necessary because of ‘the complexity of the case and a necessary extra investigation’.

The Council of State will most likely rule in the second quarter – between March and May.

Secret pieces

NH News has been trying for eight years to reveal the secret documents about the new housing estate. It is expected that those secret parts of the so-called settlement agreement will contain more about the shadowy agreements that were made at the time about the construction of the new housing estate.

The arrival of the new housing estate had major consequences for the small town of Muiden at the time. Not only did it ensure that the local sports club and the allotment garden complex, among others, were forced to make room and move, but also that Muiden was faced with a substantial damage claim of 370 million euros for a while, as a result of which it was bankrupt on paper.

The claim for damages at the time is still the largest in Dutch history and only went off the table when the partly secret agreements were made.

Due to the arrival of the new housing estate, Muiden doubled in size and in terms of population.
