Waiting asylum seekers Ter Apel received in Zuidbroek, Stadskanaal and Utrecht | NOW

The asylum seekers who had to wait for hours on Tuesday at a reception center in Ter Apel were eventually given shelter in Zuidbroek, Stadskanaal and Utrecht. The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) announced this on Tuesday evening.

This is reported by RTV Noord. Hundreds of asylum seekers waited for hours in the blazing sun in Ter Apel on Tuesday. The reception center was again overcrowded. COA called in help from the Red Cross to distribute drinks and food.

In the evening around 20.00 the asylum seekers were transported to Zuidbroek, Stadskanaal and Utrecht. The locations in Zuidbroek and Stadskanaal are only used to spend the night. Today, Wednesday, the asylum seekers will be brought back to Ter Apel. There is no structural solution yet.
