Wacker crowns himself first champion in northern amateur football

FOOTBALL – Wacker football association from De Wijk has crowned itself tonight as the first champion of northern amateur football. In a dragon of a match, the number two defeated Steenwijker Boys 1-0 and as a result Wacker can no longer be traced in the Fourth Division A five games before the end of the season.

Fifteen minutes before the game, everyone at the home team is already in a great mood, because nothing stands in the way of a championship, according to the supporters: “This is a good team, they are already unbeaten in 21 duels. This will be easy tonight. say 5-0,” said a Wacker supporter.

But the championship stress can be felt at Wacker in the opening phase. Sneaky kicks are handed out and there is more ball loss than sparkling combination football. But just before the break the spell is broken and Dennis Westerbeek shoots a free ball against the ropes: 1-0.

A heavy burden seems to have been lifted off the shoulders of the Wacker players, but along the line, fans of the home team seem a little less confident at half-time. “It can just fall the other way”, some spectators of the home team think.

The syrupy football is also in the second half and the game almost seems even worse than in the first half, but after a blistering final phase Wacker manages to pull the lead over the line and the championship is a fact. The champagne splashes are flying around and flowers are being handed out. Wacker is unbeaten for 22 games in a row due to the victory over the Steenwijkers, making him a deserved champion in the Fourth Division A and the first amateur football champion of the standard teams in the Northern Netherlands.

In the canteen of VV Wacker it will – of course – remain restless for a long time.
