Waardse shooting club All Rounds remains in its old place: “Cancellation of the rental contract is invalid”

Shooting sports club All Rounds may continue to use the shared club building at De Vork in Heerhugowaard. This has been determined by the Alkmaar court. According to the subdistrict court, the accusations of the landlord, shooting club De Heerhugowaard, are not sufficient to dissolve the lease as of 1 May.

Shooting club All Rounds rents a shooting range every Wednesday evening in the building of shooting club De Heerhugowaard on De Vork. That contract runs until January 1, 2027, but the latter wants to terminate it early after various conflicts. All Rounds has appealed to the court against this cancellation.

At the beginning of last year, a member of De Heerhugowaard wanted to switch to shooting club All Rounds. However, there is a transfer ban between the two associations, the verdict says. After an undisclosed “serious incident”, the shooting club decided to expel the member in question. But it turned out that he had already become a member of the other club without permission. A few months later three guns disappeared from the safe from All Rounds.

In the dispute between the two parties, the court ruled in favor of All Rounds. The subdistrict court judge finds De Heerhugowaard’s accusations insufficient to terminate the lease.

‘Invalid cancellation’

“The fact that the lease has been terminated due to the course of events surrounding the missing of the weapons from the safe is not a ground for premature termination. The takeover of a member by All Rounds is also no reason to terminate the lease prematurely. The termination of the rental agreement is therefore invalid”, can be read in the judgment.

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In addition, the subdistrict court states that the Royal Dutch Shooting Sports Association (KNSA) and the police shooting club All Rounds cannot be blamed for the missing weapons. The court’s investigation also did not reveal that any permits had been revoked.

“It has not become apparent that the KNSA and the Allrounds police are blaming the missing persons and/or have revoked permits and certifications”, the verdict says.

Remarkable, because previous contact with the police showed that the board of All Rounds did indeed temporarily had to surrender permits, weapons and ammunition. “The permits were then withdrawn due to possible theft or misappropriation of three weapons,” a police spokesman told NH.

Penalty payment

After three months they got it back. The criminal investigation turned up nothing. “If new facts arise, the investigation can be resumed,” said the police.

De Heerhugowaard must pay the legal costs of All Rounds. If they are refused access to the building, a daily penalty of at least 250 euros and a maximum of 10,000 euros can be imposed.
