waardeverlies van tientallen millions of dollars

The price of bitcoin on top of 20,000 dollars is given to be known that the amount is now less than that when the target is raised in 2018.

In the loop of 2017 and 2018, bitcoin will be sold in a large amount of money. Day 18 June there will be bitcoin on the hoogtepunt of the period. This is due to the coin market cap.Beeld Coinmarketcap

Also Ethereum counts as well as a symbolic size. Zaterdagochtend omstreeks 10.00 uur naderde de waarde 1,000 dollars.

Believers are aware that the higher rents of the American Federal Reserve are suffering from high inflation. Cryptocurrency has been designated as a high-risk investeeringen in the case of pensions, so the district has investeerders who are less risky. Also de aandelenbeurzen zijn daarom fors gedaald.

He also had problems with cryptobedrijven and who suffered easily because of the investeerders who lost trust. Previously, it was assumed that the trust in digital value was not linked to the storage of cryptocurrency in Terra. Deze maand bevroor cryptobank Celsius Network all transactions, to own zeggen vanwege “extreme market conditions”.

Tientallen billions of dollars

Volgens experts can het feit that bitcoin less than 20,000 dollars was ward, worried about more problems. So he own aars automatically hun cryptomunten can copy nu the grens is bereikt. This writes a specialized site Decrypt.

In long a week tijd heeft de bitcoin een derde van zijn marktwaarde ingeleverd. That betekent that he vele tientallen millions of dollars zijn evaporated. Op 1 January of that year the bitcoin was still worth 47,000 dollars (45,000 euros). Last year in November, the digital meter peaked at $68,000.

Mensen the for December 2020 zijn ingestapt staan ​​nog wel in de plus. So was de bitcoin in September van dat jaar iets meer dan 10,000 dollar waard.
