Vuelta, Geraint Thomas: absolute idiotic riders

Captain Ineos’s criticism of certain colleagues racing on Spanish roads was very harsh: “They forget they have brakes. A horror film”

Geraint Thomas outspoken at Watts Occurring, the podcast he co-produces with teammate Luke Rowe. What unleashed Mr G’s wrath was the finale of the fourth stage of the Vuelta, dedicated to sprinters and marked by two dangerous crashes. Thomas managed to reach the finish line unscathed thanks to his strategic position in the belly of the group, but he didn’t miss the opportunity to criticize the behavior of some colleagues.

the critique

“The finish was terrible, a horror movie” explains the winner of the 2018 Tour. “After the last climb, to get to the finish, it was all nice and wide roads, but some riders did absolute idiotic things. And some teams probably forget that they have brakes on their bikes.” The Welshman doesn’t name names, with one exception: “Groves closed down a Movistar rider. Sure, it wasn’t a very kind move, but things like that can happen in the last 10km. However, that Movistar rider decided to react by grabbing Groves’ shirt near the neck and pushing him. I was right behind them when it happened, I saw him and I was like, ‘That guy is crazy. I think he has too much caffeine in his blood.’ So I decided to position myself as a group in a different spot. That matter could only end in a fall.” And so it was.
